Thursday, September 26, 2013

#6 Bundle Of Compromises

The Constitution was often referred to as "The Bundle of Compromises." All of the different delegates had to come together to agree on basic issues, despite their different opinions. Some of the issues were the selection of the President, the treaty making process, the structure of the court system, and the amendment process. The Bundle of compromises said that treaties will be negotiated by the president and ratified by the senate.  The principles of checks and balances and the separation of powers, was one idea accepted by all. Popular Sovereignty is one principle of government being used here, giving the people power. The Framers all came together to agree on big issues, but often disagreed on the smaller issues. Benjamin Franklin said that the Constitutional Convention was "sawing boards to make them fit." Another core democratic value that has to do with the Bundle of Compromises is justice. Justice is basically fairness, and equality between the states, making sure that not one state has more power over another.


  1. It was a lot of hard work, but I am so glad we finally agreed!
    -George Washington

    1. At least we all agreed on the bigger issues like separation of powers and checks and balances!
      -James Madison
